Sonntag, 4. August 2013

Pocket Morning Weekly 04.08.2013

„Diese zwei Sachen schmecken wirklich gut zusammen!“ Bitte überleg dir eine Kombination aus zwei Nahrungsmitteln.
"Those two things taste really good together!" Please think of a combination.
Liverwurst with prune. I guess no one believes me but that's delicious! XD
Chocolate with caramel *__*
I've once dipped gummibears into something ... what was that again? Nutella? Cheese? I don't remember...
Big Olives and salted herrings (gummi candy). Tastes like Salami.
Frozen Yogurt with Giottosauce. :D
Sugar with something else. *.*
Cheese with everything.
Popcorn and cheese! Why do I always get strange looks when I order this at the cinema? O.o

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