Sonntag, 31. März 2013

Pocket Morning Weekly 31.03.2013

Das erste Quartal ist rum. Mann, Mann, Mann wo ist die Zeit bloß hin...
Könnt ihr japanisch?
(Do you speak Japanese?)

(Poor rather than good. I've learned it for a few years and now I've picket it up again at college.)
(I know a few words and phrases. That's it, I've never learned it.)
(I'm taking evening classes, the grammar is really hard.)
(Only a few words.)
(No, only a few words/phrases. Maybe I'll learn it someday.)
(Only rudimentary and some phrases. Animes educate.)
(Yes, a little bit, I'm currently studying it.)

Sonntag, 24. März 2013

Pocket Morning Weekly 24.03.2013

Der Frühling ist da! Zumindest offiziell. Mutter Natur hat davon offensichtlich noch nichts mitbekommen und schickt weiter Eiseskälte. Es ist doch nicht zu fassen!! Nun gut. Da kann man wohl nichts machen. Beruhigen wir uns mit PMW.
Im Vergleich zu den anderen Membern, was denkst du, wobei du definitiv nicht verlieren kannst!
(In comparison to the other members, name the one thing you can't lose at!)

(Hip measurement... T_T)
(Endurance run. I was good in 30min running.)
(Eh... dancing? Looking sexy? I don't know, I'm so insecure.)
(Eating Schnitzel! XD)
(Discussing, when I want to. I could do that for hours, no matter if I'm wrong or right.)
(Learning dances quickly.)
(Constand motivation. XD It has to be a VERY bad day for me to not want to work.)

Sonntag, 17. März 2013

Pocket Morning Weekly 17.03.2013

Wenn du eine Fee oder ein Engel sein könntest, was möchtest du sein? Und warum?
(Would you rather be a fairy or an angel? Why?)
(A fairy ... definitely no angel, I'd be dead!)
(Fairies are cooler~ Their living space must be a paradise and they have special powers.)
(Angel of love!!! So that everyone is happy and the world a better place.)
(A fairy... she performs magic. XD)
(Most definitely: a fairy! I always liked magic beings.)
(An angel, but I'd be wearing black not white... Because they are beautiful and don't have to think about work, future, problems etc ... and they can fly.)
(That depends... but I think angel doesn't fit me, I'm not good at acting like one. XD)

Sonntag, 10. März 2013

Pocket Morning Weekly 10.03.2013

Oh je, in letzter Zeit geht es bei uns wirklich oft ums Essen, oder?
Wenn man dich zu einem Esswettbewerb herausfordern würde, welches Gericht würdest du wählen?
(What food would you choose to win an eating contest?)
(Sushi! But that's really filling... so maybe cherries?)
(Cucumbers. o_o)
(PANCAKES all the way.)
(Chocolate or schnitzel.)
(Cotton candy! I'm going to win. XD)
(If I could choose, I'd rather not participate, because I don't like that kind of stuff... But if I have to, it'll be popcorn, if that counts.)
(That's difficult, because I can't really eat that much at once. Most likely something like rice pudding...)

Sonntag, 3. März 2013

Pocket Morning Weekly 03.03.2013

Es ist März! Schon der dritte Monat des Jahres, wie die Zeit vergeht. @.@

Von allen Membern, wer hat den längsten Geduldsfaden?
(From all the members, who is the most patient?)
(Eh...Yumi? It's probably not me, but I'm working on it.^^)

(I'd say... Mina.^^)
(Most definitely Yumi.)
(Me. And Mina.)
(That could be me, I don't lose my temper very quickly.)