Sonntag, 2. Juni 2013

Pocket Morning Weekly 02.06.2013

In unseren YouTube Videos haben wir euch schon oft unsere verrückte Seite gezeigt. Aber wir haben auch uns schon oft gefragt:
Was ist diese eine Sache, die du über die Renaimember irgendwie lustig findest?
What's that one thing about the members you think is funny?
We have surprisingly many dweebs in our group. o.o
Everyone is unique and has ist own quirk.
Oh there are so many! Maxi's candied side, Yumi's hair, Mina's unneccessary obsession about looking perfect (while rehearsal she's checking herself in the mirror at least three times), Giny's little figure and her big mouth behind that.
Giny is so small *laughs*. We need to have a duet ... it sure would look interesting. XDD
Everyone's emphasizing the word "theoretical" a lot. uû
Sometimes we can't remember our choreographies, that's really difficult when someone's absent.
Everything is totally dependent on the mood. =D :D Sometimes everybody is totally demotivated and sometimes we laugh nonstop. But somehow it's always the same with everyone, like it's been arranged.

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