Montag, 31. Dezember 2012

Pocket Morning Weekly 31.12.2013

Aus gegebenem Anlass gibt es das PMW diesmal am Montag! Es ist der letzte Tag des Jahres 2012, das sich durchaus sehen lassen konnte. Renai hatte vermutlich mehr Auftritte als jede andere Showgruppe, wir haben tolle Fans dazugewonnen und unseren Internet Auftritt enorm ausgebaut. 2013 wird hoffentlich mindestens genauso gut! Doch vorher, blicken wir noch einmal zurück.
Gab es eine Sache, bei der du dachtest: „2012 werde ich mich selbst damit herausfordern!!“
(Was there one thing, that made you think: "2012 I'm going to challenge myself with that!")
(Hm... I wanted to learn a new language... but I just continued with Japanese...maybe 2013.)
(I wanted to take the TOPIK but I didn't.)
Anm.: Test Of Proficiency In Korean: Testet die Koreanischkenntnisse von Nicht-Muttersprachlern.
(Hmmm, when it comes to styling!! I want to make more out of my looks.)
(Build a Furry-Cosplay.)
(My education and the group.)
(I wanted to eat more. o.ô)
(Yes... my unpunctuality ... It's not, how I want it to be but I'm getting there.)

Sonntag, 23. Dezember 2012

Pocket Morning Weekly 23.12.2012

Kommen wir nun zum vorletzten PMW des Jahres 2012 ... wie die Zeit rennt.
Welche Bude magst du auf Volksfesten (Jahrmarkt, Weihnachtsmarkt etc.) am liebsten? Warum?
(At festivals, which booth do you like best? Why?)

(Candied everything! I always want the biggest candied apples but I can never finish them. ;_;)
(Sugar-roasted almonds. It smells so sweet!!)
(The candy stalls, that's that actual paradise! I just can't resist candy!)
(The haunted house, it's usually just funny, but when well done, it can be scary at times.)
(Rollercoaster, because it's the most fun. It gives you an adrenaline kick)
(Well, I like haunted houses... even if my eyes are always closed. XD I'm scared, but I need the kick.)
(The jewelry stall, incense materials (they almost always have them) and the sugar-roasted almonds.)

Sonntag, 9. Dezember 2012

Pocket Morning Weekly 09.12.2012

It's December and I'll be missing you. PMW come and make my dreams come true.
Passend zur Weihnachtszeit geht es auch bei uns ums Thema Shopping!
Hast du schon mal etwas gekauft und dich später gewundert, warum eigentlich? Was war es?
(Have you ever bought something and later wondered why you bought it?)
(Mm, I have lots of shoes, that hurt to walk in, but I just HAD to have them all.)
(I bought drumstick and played in a band for a short time, but then I really had no use for them anymore without drums.)
(Hm, sometimes earrings or clothes.)
(A pink shirt... I have never worn it. o_O)
(What was it? Ja, it happens from time to time, that I forget within 10 minutes what I've bought.)
(That happens waaa~y too often...)
(Yes, when I was a child, I bought a horoscope book... I still don't know why.)